Website information

Webmaster :
+33 6 19 07 52 67

Director of publication :
Cyrille ROGER
Principal du Collège Max Jacob

Collège Max Jacob
26 Rue Maurice Millet
45140 Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle

T : + 33 2 38 22 35 67
Email : college.maxjacob@ac-orleans-tours.fr

Legal information :
Activity : General secondary education
Category : Teaching
Legal form : EPLE (Local Public Educational Institution)
INSEE status : Registered at INSEE on 01/05/1965
SIRET number : 1945006900000012
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APE code (NAF) : 8531Z

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Site of 1 & 1 IONOS SARL
Legal information of 1 & 1 IONOS SARL

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